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Why Property Investors can Crash and Burn By Peter Viliamu

Many experts say you can't lose if you put your money into Property. Not true. Hundreds of investors who have lost their savings through property investment tell a different story. Nothing is a foolproof investment - including property.

Learn why some fail in property and prevent it happening to you:

  • Reason 1 - They dont give it the time.
    The complaint is that the person has a job and family and therefore very little time to devote to this investment opportunity. The truth is, if they cut down on wasted time, such as watching television, or surfing the Internet, they would have the time to put into creating financial independence for them and their family in the future.
  • Reason 2 - "They dont know how to start."
    The excuse is that you dont have the knowledge to get into this business. The reality is that most people who have investigated property investment would have done some study or talked to successful people. The best way to learn is to read books, or take seminars or join up courses.

    The other thing is to enlist the help of others. Henry Ford once said, "I dont need to clutter my mind with information when I have experienced men around me who can supply that type of knowledge when I need it." You dont have to know everything yourself, but you need to have people you can call on who will help you while getting started.

  • Reason 3 - "They dont have the cash"
    The complaint is that you need money to make more money. The truth is that if you find the right property deal, the money will find you. Lack of funds is never an issue with the experienced investor. Lack of a good deal, however, is. If you can find a good deal and negotiate a good price on a property there will be plenty of people willing to put up the money.
  • Reason 4 - "They dont have good credit"
    The excuse is that you need good credit to buy houses. The reality is that good credit does help, but you dont need it if you want to make money in real estate. There are other options, such as owner financing or lease options that are creative enough to allow you to buy real estate without credit. You can always use a partner with good credit to get into investment.

    There is also the other opportunity of borrowing money from the non-traditional lending institutions, even though it may cost more in interest. While all this is happening, you can work on fixing up your bad credit so you can use it as an asset in your future dealings.

  • Reason 5 - "There is too much competition"
    The complaint is that there are too many people buying into houses, to find a good deal. The truth is that there are far more deals available than people. At any time there are many properties available in the marketplace, waiting for the right investor. The truth is most people who say they are investors sit around waiting for a property to pop up. Dont be one of these people. Go out and create your own opportunities and make your own deals.
  • Reason 6 - "The real estate people are hard to deal with"
    The complaint is that real estate agents dont like cooperating with property investors. The truth is that if you find the right agent, he/she can be your best asset in your investing business. The agent is after commission. If you are successful they will be involved in the deals you do. This means they will create income for themselves, while helping you. Make sure you have one or two agents you work with and let them know you will be giving them business over and over again, as you increase your property portfolio.
  • Reason 7 - "Too many people say it doesnt work"
    This is true only if you have chosen to believe the lies. Its easy for you to convince yourself that anything wont work. Henry Ford once said, "Whether you think you can or think you cant, you are right."

    Many people criticize moneymaking ideas because they are too lazy to do something about it. It doesnt matter what the opportunity is, if you listen to the pessimists and the critics, you will convince yourself it wont work. Its a good idea to keep away from these people because they cannot offer anything of value to you if they havent done it themselves. Make a point of not taking financial advice from anyone who makes less money than you, or is less successful than you.

  • Reason 8 - "They say that a recession could be coming"
    The complaint is that because of the impending economic woes of the world, everything will go down in value in due course. The truth is that if everyone felt this way, nothing would happen. When the economy is down retailers will change their prices to attract customers. If prices are falling, buy below the market price and sell just below the market price. If rental vacancies climb, then offer freebies, such as cable TV or free lawn mowing etc to attract tenants.

    There will always be people who cast doom and gloom on any situation. They are the ones who never achieve anything. Stay clear of them and go with the optimists, because the optimists come up with creative ideas to generate wealth.

  • Reason 9 - "They dont want to take the risk and lose their property."
    The excuse is that real estate is very risky. The reality is that real estate is one of the safest investments you can get into. With other investments, such as shares or managed funds, you have no control. You are dependent on others and how successfully they run the company or the fund they manage. At least with real estate you have a concrete asset in front of you that you can touch and do with as you please. The more you educate yourself about investment, the less risky the real estate option becomes.

There is risk in everything. The key is to minimize your risk by educating yourself and taking small steps.

Copyright 2005 StartRunGrow

StartRunGrow (http://www.startrungrow.com) is a global online information organization that specializes in creating, developing and marketing business help information specifically with the aim of "making business easier" for entrepreneurs around the world. The StartRunGrow objective is to become a dominant player in the business help arena providing end to end solutions for the millions of small and medium businesses worldwide who continue to struggle daily with the difficulties of starting, running and growing a successful business.

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